Immorru Nixtru (Let’s Go Shopping)

This lesson was contributed by:

Steven Borg

This lesson is for:

Lesson Duration:

40 mins.

What should you expect from this lesson?

(MLT) Matul din il-lezzjoni l-istudenti se jitgħallmu espressjonijiet marbutin max-xiri. (ENG) During this lesson, students are going to learn expressions related to shopping.

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How to carry out this lesson at home:


1. Il-lezzjoni tajjeb tibda billi l-ġenituri/il-kustodji jieħdu lil uliedhom jixtru magħhom u javżawhom biex joqgħodu attenti għal-liema espressjonijiet se jintużaw waqt ix-xiri, ikunu b’liema lingwa jkunu.
2. Id-dar, it-tfal jintalbu jiftakru liema espressjonijiet intużaw waqt ix-xirja u jiktbuhom.
3. Il-ġenituri/il-kustodji flimkien mat-tfal isegwu l-PowerPoint ‘Ix-Xiri’ u jaraw kif ċerti espressjonijiet jintqalu bil-Malti. Hawnhekk tajjeb li jsir tqabbil ukoll mal-lingwa nattiva tagħhom.
4. It-tfal jikkopjaw l-espressjonijiet bil-Malti sabiex wara jaqrawhom u eventwalment jistudjawhom.
5. Il-ġenituri/il-kustodji jagħmlu prova ma’ wliedhom id-dar stess taparsi qed jixtru mingħand xulxin.
6. It-tfal jaħdmu l-karta tat-taħriġ ‘Ix-Xiri’ u l-ġenituri/kustodji jiddiskutuha magħhom.
7. It-tfal jerġgħu jmorru jixtru mal-ġenituri/kustodji mill-ġdid u jippruvaw jużaw il-Malti biex jixtru.


1. Take the children with you when you go shopping and tell them to pay attention to what expressions are being used while buying things.
2. At home, the children should remember what expressions were used during the shopping experience and take note of them.
3. Watch the PowerPoint ‘Ix-Xiri’ together and check how certain expressions are said in Maltese. It is advisable that children compare Maltese with their native language.
4. The children copy the expressions in Maltese so that they can read them later on and eventually study them.
5. Be creative at home and imagine that your children come to do their shopping at your shop. Let them practise some Maltese expressions to communicate with you.
6. The children should do the worksheet ‘Ix-Xiri’ and discuss answers with parents.
7. Take your children shopping again but this time they have to communicate in Maltese to buy things.

All the resources you need to carry out this lesson at home:

There are 4 Resources for this lesson

  xiri .jpg | download
  Ix Xiri edited .ppsx | download
  Ix Xiri Worksheet .docx | download
  Ix Xiri Worksheet .pdf | download

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